Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Value Added

I'm trying to cut back
on watching TV,
surfing the internet,
even reading books.

When I am doing one of those things,
I am perhaps staying out from under foot
and not causing trouble,
but neither am I contributing to the world around me.

I'm trying to figure out
more ways each day
to add beauty,
and something interesting
to a world full of noise and clutter and meanness.

Even if it just means sharing
a picture in the woods
celebrating that spring does come
whether we watch for it or not.

I will ask, not for guilt or pressure,
but simply as a reminder
and some focus:
as my presence here added anything worthwhile
to the world today?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Public Spaces

Sick days at home often stimulate blogging.
I know this from spending much of yesterday
breathing through my mouth
and reading through blog entries
going back six years.

Another thing I realized
was how many of the pictures
I treasure and share
come from
places we own together.

State parks, national parks,
public land and forests.
Even the privately owned places,
like the Shaker Village in Kentucky,
are held in trust
so that the public can visit, learn and enjoy.

It turns out that together,
we share an incredible wealth
of views, hiking trails,
winding roads and places of beauty.
How rich we are, my friends!
How very rich!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Craggy Gardens Hike, May 2011

This has been
one of the most beautiful falls
in recent memory.
Which, of course,
leads me to post
lovely pictures from spring.

I was very excited when I took these shots
at the prospect of sharing
this vivid green
on the blog.

It took me a while to get around to posting.
But the spring green is worth the wait.

And perhaps,
as we drift towards winter,
this green is just what the doctor ordered.