Monday, January 05, 2015

Leaving the Interstate

Traveling through South Carolina yesterday
we got off of I-85
and traveled instead along SC 11,
the Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway.
There were many State Parks and waterfalls to choose between.

Following the WATERFALLS signs
another ten or eleven miles
off our main route,
we paid the $2 per car
admission fee to one of the state parks.

I am a fan of interstates.
They get you from place to place quickly.
But sometimes the best journeys
involve exploring the backroads,
taking the time to find
the treasures along the way.

Friday, January 02, 2015

Lichens, large and small.

I brought home a stick covered in lichens
during a walk around the block last week.
I was interested in the variety
and wanting to take a closer look.

I discovered that by using a handheld 5x magnifying glass
and my iPod Touch camera zoomed in a bit
I could get some amazing close up detail on the lichens.

Who knew they were so hairy?
Now I've got the magnifying bug.
Am looking forward to looking at more things
with low tech enhancement.

Why look,
it even has me blogging again.