Wednesday, May 27, 2009


It turns out that plastic cup photography
is not my best, but still...
Over the last couple days the catapillars
all made their way to the top of the cup
and each changed into a chrysalis.
In a week or so, they will be butterflies!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hiking John Rock

Hiked up John Rock yesterday.
John Rock is the rock face behind the flags. Here we are at the top.
That's me behind the camera.
You can see the parking lot
in the lower left hand corner
of the picture.
There was a lot of "up" in the hike.

As unenthused as I was about portions
of the "up" in the hike...
those portions where I was sure my
out of shape heart would explode
in my was worth it.
The picnic at the top
was simply lovely.

The hike down was also lovely.
The mountain laurel were in bloom.
Down is easy on the heart
(and hard on the knees)
but you can enjoy the views more.

Friday, May 22, 2009


The future butterflies are making great progress.
I think they double in size daily.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Painted Ladies are Coming

My brother and sister-in-law
started sending word this week
that a package would arrive
that required "immediate attention."
When asked if the package had air holes,
they replied in the affirmative.

Open mouthed children not included.

The cats were interested in our new bugs,
thinking the cups would roll nicely
along on the floor,
like all good cat toys....
so for the time being,
catapiggles live in the china cabinet.
They apparently live their little cattapiggle lives in their cup,
then turn into crysalides under the lid,
at which point we move them to the butterfly habitat.