There seems to be a subtle theme
in the last week or so.
I lost my keys all weekend
and found them Sunday afternoon.
Saturday I left my purse
at Boston Market
but it was waiting
safe and sound behind the counter
with all of it's contents intact
when I returned about 20 minutes later.
(Thank you for honest people!)
Today I lost most of the dates
on my electronic organizer,
mysteriously erased during backup
with the computer.
No hope of recovery there,
other than wracking my memory
and asking for help from others
who have me on their calendars.
None of these are real losses,
just inconveniences.
Meanwhile, my grandmother
is having small strokes down in Florida.
She has lost a good bit of her vision
in the last few days.
We seem to have temporarily
lost touch with my brother...
no blogs, e-mails or calls
this last couple weeks.
I find I've come to depend
on his blog to check on him
and his family
in non-intrusive ways.
I think I've lost a little
of my bounce today.
I'm home
and a little droopy
on a rainy Monday.
On the bright side,
no shots, removals or
other violence to my skin
at the dermatologist today.
Just an accidental rip
in the doily they gave me to wear
that made for a little
sexier slit
than was originally designed.
Always glad to have
the annual spot check behind me.