My parents tell me
that my first complete sentence
was after a trip.
We pulled into the driveway
and I said,
"I happy I home."
Truer words, I've never spoken.
Apologies for the faithful few
who kept checking my little blog,
only to see the same ice pictures.
I've spent the last three weeks
in Florida and Georgia,
on an unexpected, extended "vacation."
I went down to help bring
my maternal Grandmother
home from the hospital with hospice.
A different side of the hospice experience
than my day to day work.
Still, everything we hope for...
she was happy to be home,
surrounded by family and friends,
in no real pain,
and gave every sign of being at peace.
Meanwhile, my nephew was diagnosed
with mild epilepsy...see brother's blog
for more details and a really cool
Christmas tree.
I bought a new camera
after new year's
just in time to take pictures of family
and Grandmother's farm
after the funeral.
I'll upload some pics
just as soon as I install
the new software.
But wanted to go ahead
and send greetings
and thanks,
for kind wishes and prayers.
It was a very special Christmas.