Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday Night

As much as I love my work,
I love Friday night and Saturday morning
much, much more.
The best thing about being chaplain
rather than church pastor
is the clear time boundary.
Now I'm working, now I'm NOT.
The edges of my life are much more clean cut
than they were the first ten years out of school.

A few minutes ago I turned in my time sheet,
came home, mixed a glass of chocolate milk.
Now I'm pondering what music playing,
house cleaning,
recreational reading,
socializing and,
let's not forget,
couch potatoing
I care to indulge in
for the next 24 hours.

A note to my Benedictine readers,
you know who you are...
a nice piece of the Benedictine tradition...
the clear division of time.
Time to work,
time to worship,
time to eat,
time to rest.
Each a time to pray.

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