Thursday, March 23, 2006

Pulling the Pieces Together

Oh, yeah...right.
I already had my midlife crisis.
I picked up and left
at the height of my professional career.
I was proactive...
I stepped right out of
all my roles
in exchange for new ones
that were less familiar
and less defined
and less aimed at public success.
It was much like stepping out of an airplane
and freefalling for six months.
It all comes back to me now.
Perhaps the task now
is to look back on my old life
to think some about
the humongous transition
to contemplate my new life
and see how things are going.


spark said...

De redheads be groovin' on de Easter B.

Chapeltree said...

Yep. I knew the phrase "do not open until Easter" would prompt instant mid-Lenten clicking.

spark said...

Celebration--why put it off?