Loved the last tram stop westward
along the rim of the Canyon.
Hermit's Rest...a simple stone building,
another lovely view,
and an ICE CREAM stand.
What more could a hermit want?
We sat on a bench,
eating our ice cream,
looking at the late afternoon canyon,
reflecting on a day's hiking and viewing.
I'm getting ahead of myself,
in this slide show of my vacation...
skipping all the photos from the major hike of the day
and all the great shots from the tram stops...
but Hermit's Rest was on my mind today.
I've been working on my own Hermit's Rest.
Weeded the garden last night,
sat on the back steps as night fell
and watched the fireflies flicker on the lawn and up in the trees.
Today, moved everything out of the front bedroom
and ripped up carpet.
Spent this last hour pulling staples
out of the old hardwood floors underneath.
This project was started in the hall and living room
last summer, and will conclude in the room
where I now sit, typing happily on the computer.
This room will be a pain in the butt to clear,
with desk and bed and file cabinets...
but ultimately worth it to uncover hidden wood floors.
Well, time to get back to staple pulling.
Still have to mow the lawn
this evening.