While most squirrels we met at the Grand Canyon
begged and chattered, stared us down
with frantic neediness and desire for human food,
we met one squirrel that was different.
While touring the rim of the canyon,
we came upon this little fellow,
sitting quietly, comtemplating the vast space before him.

He never turned away from the sight,
not even when I moved from camera angle to camera angle.
He didn't move a muscle
when snack laden tourists began to gather
to look at him looking at the canyon.

He'd found his peace.
I wondered what went through a squirrel mind
when faced with such grandeur.
While I think he was nibbling on an acorn or nut,
(even an enlightened squirrel has to eat)
he was just so peaceful on the edge of the abyss.
Too often we race through life,
when there are miracles all around.
Take a lesson from the fuzzy squirrel to stop
and take it all in.

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