Where did the last half of September go?
Sometimes it feels like time slips by
faster and faster.
I visited a 98 year old lady today,
who is quite aware of her age, of her history,
quite aware of the people who have died
and left her behind,
quite aware of her blessings and her faith.
She was quite aware.
Unusual at 98.
In the past I've experienced her
pleasant and talkative
but deaf as a stump.
Today, miracle of miracles,
her hearing aide was working.
Regardless, she always tells me,
"I'm just plugging along...
doing the best I can."
You don't get the full effect without her voice.
Musical little old lady voice, lilting and upbeat.
When she says "doing the best I can"
she traces the scale upwards
until the second half of "can"
(a word I previously didn't realize
had two syllables, one a note lower than the first).
Ca-an. The second syllable goes back down a note.
Call me if you need to hear it.
It's hard to explain in type.
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