Monday, January 07, 2008

Shepherds Quake

Okay, I know we are past Christmas
and into Epiphany,
but wanted to share a revelation
(an epiphany, you might say)
about the difference between
the Methodist and the Baptist hymnal.

My cousin Rhonda
plays the piano
for some of the churches in her area,
both Baptist and Methodist
as the need might arise.

She plays out of the Baptist hymnal,
because that is her familiar version,
and occasionally has to count her verses
when playing in the Methodist church
to make sure she and the congregation
end at the same time.

Well, she noted that the Methodists
when singing "Silent Night"
had a verse that wasn't in her Baptist hymnal.
"Silent night, holy night,
shepherds quake at the sight."

We Methodists in the family were stunned.
Baptist shepherds don't quake??

Nope, she said.
Never heard that verse before.

We decided that Baptist shepherds
don't quake,
for fear someone might think
they are dancing.

Did I mention that my
number one New Years' Resolution
for 2008
(but mostly not in public).

1 comment:

spark said...

Your resolution and mine go together quite well, don't you think? Between us, we're downright Vegas!