that the grand tour of Turkey and Greece
did not make, since only four college students
signed up.
So...suddenly my vacation time
is mine to plan again.
I want to spend at least a week
in my own house,
on vacation
with no where particular to go.
I spent a couple days
of Paid Time Off
at home this week,
but they were less exciting,
since they were spent
blowing my nose
breathing through my mouth
and watching mindless television
from my sickbed.
When the season warms
I want to go camping...
a local joy.
Picnic in the woods.
Cook on the Coleman stove.
Sleep with the song of crickets.
I want to hike,
and garden,
and play with my bees.
I want to be here.
That, and cruise to the Bahamas
at Thanksgiving.
But mostly here.