Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Cooking with Caterpillars

I had the BEST supper tonight.
Got home just before it started raining
and picked all the kale and collards
out of the raised bed.
Actually planted them last fall,
but they just now had grown up eatin' size.
Washed them, tore 'em up,
threw them in a pot with a ham hock
and some water,
and let 'em simmer for nearly an hour.
As they cooked, the light green caterpillars
floated to the top
and I spooned them out.
Just don't need THAT much protein.
The greens were tender and sweet
and indescribably good.

I picked cilantro from the garden
and used it in my fresh guacamole.
I'm going to try a THIRD time
to grow an avocado plant from the pit.
If I ever figure this out, I'll let you know
my secret of success. I'm gettting closer.

I also picked some asparagus for tomorrow.

Eating fresh vegetables from the garden
ruins, ruins, ruins you for storebought.

Later this week...the baby salad greens.
You haven't tasted lettuce
until you've eaten it mere minutes
after it was attached to the earth
by its roots.



spark said...

My guess: what actually ruins you is the first time you bite into a caterpillar that doesn't float! Having second thoughts about eating fresh produce at your house . . .

Stephen said...

Are you sure it wasn't the caterpiggles that tasted so sweet and delicious?!