about the things I want,
the places I should go,
the things I need to do...
I remember a little tip I learned years ago
about looking around the house
for treasures already here.
In my home, I have plenty of unread books
(or books in need of rereading).
I have old projects, put away and collecting dust.
There are chickadees nesting in the birdhouse,
baby mockingbirds wagging wobbly heads
in a nest next to the back porch.
There are weeds to pull,
flowers to plant (I already bought the seeds)
fresh vegetables to eat.

(These are the first fruits of my 3 year old asparagus bed...
it has produced about 20 more tender, fresh, yummy asparagi
since I took the picture. Mmmmmm.)
Instead of taking a class
or looking for a new vocation
I'm going to move some furnature,
play an instrument I already own,
work on my priorities I already set,
read a book I already chose.
I'm going to shift some things around
and come up with new combinations
and fresh ideas
with the things already in my life.
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